Saturday, May 8, 2010


Having heard a lot about Woodgate beach, we decided to spend a few nights there.The first thing we did was search the van and car for the missing wallet, with no joy. I recalled putting the wallet in the drinks container in the car as I began to pack in the morning, it simply disappeared from there. Then I recalled an incident when I was packing hoses and the woman from next door appeared at the end of the caravan and asked where we were headed, this was when the wallet was taken by her friends. It was only at this time that we were convinced that it was stolen. The closest bank is in Childers, so we plan to be there at opening time tomorrow.
On a happier note, We found Wil and Bec were still at Woodgate and joined them for a much needed happy hour. The few drinks settled us down and we resolved to sort our way through our current troubles.
The park is in a small village over the road from a really nice beach. One bowling Club and one pub town. After a trip to Childers to the Bank and Police and a quick trip to Bundaberg, we had an early night.
Next day we unpacked the bikes and went for a ride along a beaut walking/biking track along the beach. The exercise was needed and the peace and quiet refreshing, feeling better about life.

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