Monday, May 3, 2010

South West Rocks

Yes bikes are great for sight seeing. however so far this is the only time we have used them. We had very nice neighbors who invited us to lunch at a pub on the river at Smithtown. Lovely spot and good food followed by coffee at an art gallery by the river. Good company and nice day out. We have very much enjoyed our time at S.W.R and will return given the opportunity.

Received news of the arrival of "Emily Jean". Baby well, Lisa under observation in I.C.U after a heart incident (suspected reaction to a drug). Everybody worried, can hear the stress in Craigs voice. we can only hope that Lisa is OK!

Onwards to visit Judy's much loved sister Val and Gary. After a huge challenge to back the van down a long drive, we had a very pleasant meal and evening , sleeping in a big comfy bed. regretfully we leave after one night, we are eager to get to Brisbane in case we are needed.

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