Saturday, May 22, 2010


1770 is a small fishing/resort village that we had heard a lot of positive things about. One caravan Park is located right beside the water, and was pretty much full, the one we chose was promoted as having beach access, which it did have if you are part mountain goat and prepared to swim on a deserted beach with really wild seas.
The weather was our major enemy at 1770 with blustery wind and rain. We had a beaut lunch at the local pub, which overlooked the sheltered harbour. The tours to the reef were all cancelled due to the poor weather. We walked to the entrance to the harbour and watched intrigued as large boats attempted to get through the waves to the open sea, one local made it with clever use of power and timing to beat the waves. We made friends with our next door neighbors, two charming ladies in a motorhome, who were on a fishing trip. They had reached Croyden, where the road was closed due to flooding and got sick of waiting for the road to open, so they were on their way home, frustrated by the weather. A few drinks at happy hour and pleasant conversation and an early night.
About 4 o'clock in the morning there was a hell of a clatter, which turned out to be our awning falling down. I got up and made it safe till morning. Next morning I found that wind and rain and a screw undone on one of the legs of the awning had led to the collapse. I suspect that the awning will have to be replaced, however I did manage to retract it and tie it up with rope. We had originally booked in for three nights, but after two We decided to move on, so we packed and headed to Rockhampton.

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