Saturday, May 22, 2010


We arrived at Rocky on the 24 th April. We stayed at the Big 4 on the northern side, and were very happy with our site. Rockhampton in our opinion is a very like-able city, people were friendly and helpfull and the city is blessed with wonderful gardens and magnificent views from its lookout over the city.
We purchased sand crabs and enjoyed them with a chilled white wine, how wonderful life can be. Happy hours with neighbors were very much enjoyed, pleasant happy company is always a delight. A side trip to Yeppoon proved to be a highlight, Yeppoon is a lovely place, we enjoyed a walk around the town and learned from locals that seafood was available at the fishing co-op at Rosslyn Bay, so off we went.
The co-op was not all that easy to find but was well worth the effort. Two very helpfull ladies assisted us with our purchase of prawns,mud crab and barra fillets. The mud crab was 1.6 kilo and we were pretty keen to get into it.
We attended the ANZAC day parade and as always were sobered by the emotion that we always feel when we are part of our proud national day of respect. Rocky was great after disappointing 1770. Anyway onwards

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