Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Port Douglas

The drive from Youngaburra to Port Douglas is an interesting one, its not that far to Mareeba and then we came across some very swampy low ground. At one stage we could see beautiful lilys on what looked like a shallow lake, then on too the hills, very green with great views, down the escarpment onto Captain Cook Hwy and into Port Douglas. The caravan park is very close to the beach but is the tightest park I have ever seen. Vans are right beside each other with just enough room for an annex, I d'ont know what would happen if there was a fire.
We set up and went for a walk along the beach, 4 mile beach is very nice, the stinger net is still out although the season is basically over. A quick walk up the main street which was surprisingly long and had many shops, obviously many foreign tourists around. Back to the park (still eating bloody fish, be glad when they are all gone, best way to eat is to open grill on the BBQ with butter and lemon juice).
Next day we pulled the bikes out and after some wobbling from Jude we got mobile and rode to the markets. I am bloody sick and tired of stands selling jewels and opals and crystals, it must be really easy to make this rubbish. Anyhow we came across a family doing a roaring trade selling coconuts, he shredded the outer case and put the shell into an ice bath, she opened a small hole for a straw, we drank the juice (fantastic), she took shell back and cracked it in half, then shredded the white meat with a battery drill and glass stem, added mung bean salad or fresh banana, which we got to eat, all for $5. Very delicious and great value and very nice family.
Then off to the marina for brunch (need locks for the bikes) a ride around town and then home for a quick rest. A quick walk to the surf club for a couple of beers towards evening was very refreshing in the humidity.
Packing up early for the trip to Cairns.

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