Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Gregory Downs to Northern Territory

Yet another pack up and forward towards our next destination "Cloncurry". The road consisted of a strip of bitumen in the middle, so it's an off the shoulder move when confronted with oncoming traffic, but a lot better than the dust.
Boring trip to the "Bourke and Wills Roadhouse" 144 K's. The roadhouse is another thriving enterprise, manned by backpackers from all over the world. Really bizarre going to an outback roadhouse and having a pretty you French girl speak to you in broken English. Anyhow watched T.V over lunch and caught up on world news, not much changes. Another 181 K's into Cloncurry and into a lovely park with a magical feature, a power point, what luxury. Very dry in the Curry, which worked for us because we were allowed to wash the red dirt off the car and van (the grass got watered). Judy restocked the supplies and we enjoyed a pleasant happy hour with fellow campers.
Not much to keep us in the Curry so off towards Mount Isa an easy 121 K's and pretty good scenery. Mount Isa, we decided would be a rest stop, so we booked in for three nights, shopped and generally did not worry about too much sight seeing. I went for a haircut and came back with a flat top and a step ladder (the ladder needed to spare the shoulder). The short hair vital because of the heat and bore water. I also had a tyre repaired, collected a nail somewhere along the track, all good now. We had a night out at the "Irish" Club, a typical club but good food. Nothing exciting about Mount Isa, except for the nights when the young people roam the streets attempting to impress all with their vocal power and concept of the English Language. I would think one would be better of staying home in Isa.
Friday the 25 Th, the excitement of Isa complete we headed off toward Camooweal. The Camooweal butcher had been recommended to us back in Albury so we were looking forward to sampling his wares, 189 K's later we found that he had closed and was now in Mount Isa still trading under the name Camooweal Butchery. However undefeated, we discovered that we could purchase his meat at the Post Office, where we also had lunch and bought some books. I am a little concerned that this town is a little confused but whatever works I guess. After on to the Northern Territory border, oops, missed the sign, a lost photo opportunity. Another 261 K's to the Barkley Homestead, which is also confused because it is a Roadhouse/Caravan Park. Over driving for the day, we set up and had a pleasant night. It is becoming increasingly obvious that there are many vans on the move, so many that we will have to make early decisions on where we stay, to avoid missing out.
Next morning it was off to Tennant Creek 214 K,s . Tennant Creek is 24 K's south of the three way junction (Stuart and Barkly Highways), so for 48 K's out of our way we get to see Tennant Creek. The best bit was saving 20 cents a liter on the fuel apart from that, there did not appear to be much happening at the Creek.
Onwards to Renner Springs, we did not originally intend staying here but when we arrived it did not look to bad, so we booked in. The amenities left a lot to be desired but the beer was cool and the owner was a complete character, a lawyer who got fed up with city life now happily running a roadhouse. He was a very funny man, who kept us entertained over a few beers, an educated man who relishes the characters he meets, as much as they enjoy his humor.
We have had many questions about the our unusual caravan usually resulting in showing them the van, at Renner Springs, Pierre and Linda from Perth approached us as we were setting up and talked for quite a while about the van, so much that they decided to also stay in the park overnight. So they joined us at the pub and we have become friends since, they have ordered an Eco Tourer and will pick it up in Melbourne later this year.

Nowtime: Just had the car serviced all good except for a problem with the exhaust. A challenge for tomorrow
More later....Robby

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