Sunday, November 14, 2010

Judy's Thoughts

This is my contribution to the blog at this stage of our journey!

As we headed across the Nullarbor, I had time to ponder and reflect on the last nine months of our trip around Australia. As the car and van turned on to the Eyre Highway (Nullarbor) towards the east, I had a sense of excitement about heading towards home and our family and friends. I also had a sense of sadness as this wonderful trip was coming to an end, for now.

Firstly the scenery from the beautiful East Coast, to Outback Queensland, to the colorful Kimberly Region, to the rugged West Coast and the spectacular Southern Ocean, this Country is awesome in so many ways and will be etched in my memory forever.

Secondly the people we have met, so many different types all leading very interesting lives, some like us. We have cemented some good friendships and will continue to be in touch with them further down the track.

And lastly Rob my Soul Mate and best Friend. We planned this trip with much excitement and anticipation,not knowing what was ahead, we had a couple of low times at the beginning of the trip, with stolen wallet and car accident, but we carried on and conquered all. It is hard at our age to leave our comfort zone and change our life but we got passed all the barriers and headed on.

Rob has learnt to Grocery Shop, he knows where most things are in the supermarket and waits patiently for the staff to mark down the meat and grab some specials even if we don't need it. He is very good at sneaking things into the trolley when I am not looking and makes wacky remarks to the check out chicks who don't know what to make of him. And PATIENCE something we both don't have much of, but at least we try, you certainly learn a lot about each other living together 24 hours a day. Living in our small van which I would not change for anything has been great fun, love you babe!

Looking back on my life, I would say that apart from the years raising our family, this last nine months has been the best of my life, and Rob agrees. As the quote goes "A Boat in the Harbor is safe, but that's not what Boats are made for",as we continue on the next part of our journey, we are still not sure what the future holds but with our love and strength together we will conquer all....
Cheers Judy

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