Monday, August 30, 2010

Broome Part Two

Tarangau Caravan Park is located behind the sand dunes along Cable Beach, the walk to the surf club is about 1.5 K,s. The Cable Beach Club and Resort is located opposite the Surf Club, this Resort has existed in Broome for many years and still exudes quality and classy charm. Next to the surf club is a beach side restaurant and Coffee Shop, which during our stay, turned out to be our favorite spot to enjoy coffee and watch the Whales frolic in the bay. This spot gives wonderful views over Cable Beach, which is one of the highest rated beaches in the world. We really enjoyed our times on this beach which can also be accessed by driving directly onto the beach. Sunsets on the beach are a highlight of our time in Broome. A bottle of wine, and just enjoy the ambiance of watching the Camel Rides along the beach, the old pearl lugger sailing along the beach and the Delta Kite flying overhead and of course the hundreds of four wheel drives along the beach, this is an experience I will never forget and best of all its free.
We went to the shops and did a restock and did an absentee vote for the Federal Election. We also had hair cuts, in my case very short, we also had our tax done with a good result. You can not outrun some things, they just need to be done. Throughout this trip we have not met many people from Albury, so it came as a surprise when we came across Bernie and Jan Clark from Albury, I bought the Avan from Bernie years ago. We quickly joined up for a happy hour and enjoyed talking over a few drinks. Next day we finally got a replacement IPhone and managed to set it up to send emails, which will make life a lot easier.
Friday 13 Th we went for a ride on the bikes, having breakfast at the diner on the beach watching Whales. Judy invited the Clarks for Dinner and cooked up a beaut roast pork, which we all really enjoyed. Saturday the 14Th we all caught the bus and went to the Broome Cup. The Race Course is a dirt track and runs anti clockwise, which is pretty much the way my day went. My only win for the day won me the value of half a can of beer and my losses is not something I want to think about. The races are really well supported, with thousands of people present and all having a good time. I get a real buzz out of watching horses with noses flaring careering towards the line, they are magnificent animals. Bernie and Jan had a win on the day and we all celebrated at Happy Hour.
Sunday and off to the Markets, lots of interesting nick naks with a predominance of jewelery and pearl products. Living in a caravan makes one very cautious about what you buy due to space restrictions. Roebuck Bay is around the Point from Cable and is where the Pearl Luggers came to unload their oysters and Pearls in the old days. It is these days covered in Mangroves and at low tide is all mudflats, there is a reserve at the end of Roebuck called Town Beach and We all came here to enjoy a coffee, and then home to rest up for the highlight of the week, Crab Races.
The Satay Hut at Roebuck Bay holds Crab Races once a week with the proceeds going to local charities. With a cold beer in hand, we purchased tickets in a draw, which, if you are lucky, win's you a starter in the race. The little blue crabs have numbers on their backs and are all named on a theme basis, they are released in the middle of a ring and the first to go over the outer line wins. The owner of the winning crab gets a percentage of the overall take, in the case of the first race over $200, this all repeated for eight races. It is a hilarious night with yelling and cheering and much celebrating.
Next day we were joined by Bernie and Jan for fishing off the wharf at the Port, it turned out to be an unsuccessful day fishing wise. But we all went to the beach for sunset and dinner, which was enjoyed by all. Bernie and Jan left next morning vowing to return a week later for the Staircase to the Moon. We were picked up at 8am for a trip to "Willies Pearl Farm" which is located about 40 Ks out of Broome. This tour was not expensive and was a really good tour, the bus driver was very informative and funny and upon arrival at the farm handed us over to a guide who showed us how they farm cultured pearls, he also was very good and taught us how to appreciate quality pearls. A morning tea of damper and tea hit the spot and then a time spent in the shop had me worried about Judy's love of Pearls, thankfully she did not spend too much.
Willies Pearls have a display in the middle of Chinatown called "Pearl Luggers" and we visited it the next day. There is two luggers on display and a museum of Hard Hat Diving. A young guide talked and demonstrated equipment for the best part of an hour and we came away with an understanding of the era of Pearling in Broome and the multicultural influence it has left. This is a worthwhile tour and good value for money.
The next few days we relaxed on the beach reading and suntanning, I honestly do not get any smarter as I get older because I managed to get sun burnt again, this time my lips are burnt and really painful at the moment. We did visit "Matso's Brewery" and sampled the seven beers he produces, the best of which were "Chili beer", "Mango beer" and "Raspberry beer". The brewery overlooks Roebuck Bay and Lunch on the balcony is a very pleasant experience. I did manage to catch a fish at the Port and it was a really pretty fish called a "blue vein", shame to keep it but when its your only fish, it had to be done.
We have been waiting in Broome for the phenomena called "Staircase to the Moon" which occurs when the full moon rises over a low tide. This occurred on the 25Th and together with Bernie and Jan we went to Town Beach to witness this event. We were surprised to find hundreds of people along the shores and when the moon came up. The Moon and Steps looked spectacular and try as we might we could not take a photo that did it justice. We returned the next night because there were markets on to co-inside with the event. The second night there was even more people, with the midges and mosquito's having a field day. I videoed the event and hope that the result will be better than the photo's.
Friday 28Th we left Broome heading South to 80 mile beach. It was difficult to pack and leave somewhere where we have had such a good time, everyday we found something to do and enjoy. But rather than feel depressed we look to the next adventure, heading South.

Photo's.......Willies Pearl Luggers Display
....................Sunset on the Beach
....................Camels on Sunset
....................Staircase to the Moon
....................A $100,000 Perfect 21mm Pearl

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