Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mount Surprise

Mount Surprise and what a surprise it was, we had been told that there was a good caravan park here called Bedrock Village and run by a couple called Jo and Joe. We booked in for 2 nights and were impressed by the friendliness of the staff. We were given a pretty good site and settled in. Judy booked in to do a tour of the Undara Lava Tubes the next day. We found that the park had a good pool and great Community Centre where they served a set meal every night, with wood fired pizza once a week. We checked out the Gem centre over the road and found that there is a "Topaz" fossicking field at O,Briens Creek about 40 K's away, so after Robby having a little try at sieving (I bought an $8 bag of dirt and found a little stone) we decided to book a half day trip and dig tour.
We then noticed a garage advertising tyre repairs and snake shows, so we went in and enquired, a lovely lady called "Russel" and a bloke in a blue singlet came out and offered to do a personal show for us for $10 each. So Russ went away and returned with Clancy a black headed python and between them we found out heaps about snakes. Judy had a try of Clancy hanging around her neck and handled it well, I have a morbid fear of snakes, but after much ridicule from Judy and assurance from Russ (and a smile from Clancy or was it a snarl hard to tell with a snake) I was shamed into having this massive python draped around me. All I can say is the term "suspended in time" came to mind and for the first time in my life I was glad that I am on blood pressure and beta blocker pills. And we did not have the camera with us.
Next day up early and tour guide Stewie took us out to the National Park, a walk up and around a volcano crater began our day then onto the first of the tubes, a lunch at Undara Center and more tubes in the afternoon. Stewie is a first class guide and has a passionate attitude to plants and wildlife, we had a wonderful day and will long remember Stewie for his knowledge and quirky Aussie sense of humour. Stewie picked up two German backpackers who were helping out on a station, on an exchange program called "Woofers" workers on organic farms, they were staying on a station called "Rocky Springs" which it turns out has tours. So the next day we did the tour to "Rocky Springs" here we met Mary and Doug the owners and were treated to a display of hoe the station works and how the cattle dogs work. We were pleasantly surprised when invited to morning tea and it was held on the river bank with real billy tea and homemade cakes served by Jana and Catarina the backpackers. After smoko Doug and Mary showed us how they load the cattle on to a road train for transport to market. All in all another great day.
The next day was Topaz day, we fronted to the gem store at 7:30 for the self drive tag along to the lease at O,Briens Creek, on arrival at the lease we had a brief training session and picked out our spot to dig and got stuck in. Digging is not something you strive to do when you have a buggered shoulder, however I did my best and with Judy on the sieve we worked flat out for the next few hours. We found four topaz stones (look like old bits of glass) and upon return found that we could get four cut stones out of them.
Mind you I think it would be cheaper just to buy the stones, but this way we can say we found them ourselves. I think fully retired people would find this pastime addictive, I could get hooked on fossicking. It is never knowing what you are about to find and hoping that you have found the big one that is addictive.
Back at Bedrock (so named because Joe and Jo decided to turn their 9 acre property into a caravan park after watching heaps of caravans on the road and when they started removing rocks for each one they pulled out they found ten more. Volcanic rock) Joe mentioned that the Savannah Lander train was due through tomorrow and we could do a tour to Evesleigh and tour the Gorge and return via bus to Bedrock so we signed up for another tour.
The Savannah Lander Train only runs once a week and is basically a tourist ride, during our short experience with it, we found the driver stopped the train to show things like good views and bower birds and at one stage after stopping on a bridge to show the view had to back up to get a run up on the next hill. I had the opportunity to sit right beside the driver and watch him drive. This ride is a very good experience and the cold beer at the pub and walk around the Copperfield gorge was a good experience. On the way home we stopped for a cup of tea brewed in the billy and were treated to Joe sharing his knowledge of the bush.
Pizza night at Bedrock and the pizza was great washed down with red wine. We came to Bedrock for two nights and stayed five, we spent over a thousand dollars and enjoyed every minute of it.
To Jo and Joe and Stewie and the other staff of Bedrock, thank you for a great time, happiness is contagious and you people do it well. Sadly we pack up in the morning and continue on the Savannah Way to adventure.

Katherine and looking back along the Savannah Way

Hi everyone..We arrived in Katherine (Northern Territory) yesterday, and the first thing we did was to get a Telstra Bigpond Modem (another $300) and we are now back in business. I will try to bring the blog up to date at the same time as keeping it updated to the present, could get a bit messy so anything happening in real time will be prefixed with "now time".
Friday 4th June (after stocking up with food and drink supplies, gotta love Dan Murphy) We left Cairns and headed up over the escarpment and the Atherton Tablelands (the more I see of the Tablelands the more I like it) we stopped at a small town called Ravenshoe for smoko. Pies and coffee at the bakery watching the locals coming and going was like a step back in time. Country people have a relaxed way about them that is contagious, I found myself enjoying the ambiance of this small town after the anonymity of Cairns. Anyhow after a look around at the Historic Train and the Information Centre we moved on to Innot Springs, famous for its hot thermal springs. We got a sight right next to the Pools setup and booked in for two nights. This place is very run down and the owners are trying to sell it, they look like they are totally burnt out. The hottest pool was about 40 C and 5 minutes in there and then into cold water is supposed to be very good for you, I found that it did not help my shoulder at all. The shoulder is still painful, the cortisone shot at Brisbane did not help at all.
Apart from the Pools setup the hot water bubbles up behind the pub over the creek, and runs into the creek, so it is possible to scrape a hole in the sand and channel hot water in and enjoy your own little hot tub. Indigenous people were doing this when we walked to the pub for a cleansing ale later in the afternoon. Once again we found friendly locals and other caravanners who gave us heaps of advice on where to go and what to see up the road, all useful. Next day, more soaking in hot mineral water and a roast dinner, yum. Prepacked for an early departure next day. News on the condition of the Savannah Way not good, road between Hells Gate and Booraloola still closed due to flooded rivers. I guess we will just have to work it out later.
Next stop Mount Surprise and Bedrock Village.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Beginning the Savannah Way

Hi everyone this morning after 2 days of snorkling on the reef and sight seeing, We are packing to start heading across the top of Australia on the Savannah Way. First stop Innot Springs. We do not expect much net coverage because we are still on the optus network. The good news is you can call us, the phone is on Telstra next G Network, so for those of you that have our number please call those that do not, phone around you will find it...cheers..ROBBY

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back to Brisbane and the Wedding

Thursday 27th up very early for flight back to Brisbane. The flight was a bit of a surprise, about 2 hours and 15 mins. We did not realise how far we had traveled from Brisbane until this moment, anyhow we were picked up from the airport by Hayley and Ben, Sophia and Wil. It was great to see them all, and surprising how much they had changed in 5 weeks.
Tom and Hayley's mum Carol were back at the house preparing for a day out at Seaworld. Racheal and Anthony arrived during the morning to leave Anthony's ute for us to get around, both were excited about the wedding and were happy with the plans.
A brief shop at Carindale and of to visit Lisa, Jacob and Emily. We also met up with Racquel and Oliva (visiting from Wollongong) great to see them all. After dinner with Hayley and co ,back to Craigs for night.
A visit to Tweed Heads on the way to Kingscliff resulted in me getting a replacement Drivers Licence (what a huge relief) many thanks to Col and Judy for providing their postal details. Into Kingscliff and meeting up with many relatives and enjoying the Peppers Resort.
Weddings are interesting events, Rachael and Anthony have chosen to get married on a bluff overlooking the sea at Hastings Point, This spot means a lot to them and we found it to be a most beautiful place. I think the wedding service was one of the happiest and best I have been to, Rachael's skill at organisation was evident and everything went like clockwork. The reception was at Salt and turned out to be a good night. More about the wedding by Jude after I finish rambling.
Back to Brisbane on Sunday, staying at Craig and Lisa's and early morning flight back to Cairns. Very much in need of a good nights sleep. Found that the caravan park were having an Asian night, $10 for food and good company, was a good night.
Judy says: I was happy to see Rachael and Anthony so happy. We have shared many highs and lows over the years but this was definetly the highest. I am so happy for you.
Five nights left in Cairns. Bye for now.